Aubrey Rosevear first started working with Second Cycle through the Major Taylor Project at Lincoln High. She Went through the Build a Bike Program and built her first bike there. She learned of the resources that are available at Second Cycle and started using them.
Aubrey then applied through the summer Jobs 253 program to be our summer intern and was selected. Summer Jobs 253 offers Tacoma Public School incoming juniors and seniors the opportunity to earn high school credit for graduation, college credits, and gain meaningful work experience. Through this program she learned a lot and helped us out greatly.

Aubrey has been coming into volunteer at the shop all fall and winter about once a week and continues to learn and excel as a bike mechanic. She really wants to go on bike tour this summer, so she decided to build her own touring bike from the frame up. Pretty amazing. We plan on hiring her this next summer as well to work at the shop.