Meet Katie and Lucy, two of our spring Earn-a-Bike participants. Katie just wrote us a review of the class she and her sister took - check it out!
Katie (10 years old)
In Build-a-Bike you get to fix up a bike and take it home. You choose an old, broken bike that you would like to own, and learn how to fix the parts, and which tools you use. The staff provided nice snacks that everyone enjoyed. I appreciated having Shelbi as a female role model, and Kevin was lots of fun too. I didn't like getting my hands all dirty with bike grease, but it was my sister's favorite part! The leaders are nice, and you can ask them for help when you need it and they will happily come over to assist you. It was very fun and everyone in the class had a good time. Knowing how to patch a bike tire is a great skill to have. You just need a few tools to do it too! On the very last day you get your helmet and go for a test ride! After that, you will have a new bike! When it is too small, or broken, you can bring it back for another kid and get a new one! You can also donate old bikes that are no longer needed/wanted. Second Cycle build a bike was a very interesting and fun activity. You should try it out. See you there!
Get in touch for more information about our Earn-a-Bike classes and other youth programs by emailing us at!