If you saw a group of grinning kids on bikes pedaling around Tacoma near the end of June, chances are you spotted our first-ever Urban Cycling Summer Camp out exploring! We ran two weeks of camp this year, one for a younger crew ages 8-12 and one for older kids ages 12-17.
Both weeks were successful and the kids rode farther than they expected - the younger kids put in a whopping 17 miles on their longest day and the older group once pushed it all the way to 27 miles! Destinations were chosen for their bikeability and how they showcased all that Tacoma has to offer. We went to Point Defiance, Blueberry Park, Wapato Lake Park, and even skated at Grit City Grindhouse's indoor skate park downtown! Along the way, kids learned basic mechanic skills, group riding protocol, and experienced urban biking in Tacoma firsthand, planning routes and navigating their city safely. We even had one camper fall in love with biking and join the Major Taylor Project for the Seattle to Portland ride in mid-July! Look for information about next year's camp in early 2019 - we're already making plans to build the program and learning from our experiences this year!