In Partnership with Cascade Bicycle Club 2nd Cycle just completed a Winter Earn A Bike program for students participating in the "Major Taylor Program"after school bicycle club!
Over the course of five weeks these 12 students completely overhauled and rebuilt bicycles that they can now use to mobilize themselves, providing space for other students (without bicycles) to use fleet bikes supplied by the Major Taylor Program, allowing for more youth to gain access to the joy of cycling
Named after African-American world champion cyclist Marshall "Major" Taylor, the Major Taylor Project (MTP) empowers youth through bicycling. In after-school bicycling clubs MTP students explore their communities, build confidence, and discover their power to effect change.During the summer months, many MTP students go further than they thought possible — testing their skills, experience and perseverance — by biking 206 miles from Seattle to Portland on the annual STP.
The Major Taylor Project reaches more than 500 youth annually in middle and high schools in central and south King County and in Pierce County. In these areas, residents speak over 70 languages and represent over 80 nationalities. Our club locations are intentionally established to reach youth in low-income and diverse neighborhoods.
You can learn More about/support this project here !